Christianity · faith · family

Love Suffers Long

Love will destroy anything that is not like itself. This is the fear we have of God. God is Love. Love is death. End game.

Ego, or self, seems to have a similar energy. The power and will to destroy anything and everything but itself.

Love suffers long, especially with self.

It is my hope that when I remain open to Love, even in the slightest, I endure. I walk the Way. Because the struggle is the Way.

I ask myself, “Who would I be without my political story, my victim story, my marriage story, my religious story?”

I try to drop the thoughts, the mind so identified. In this vacuum I realize I am a far cry from a saint. I am not open to Love’s death blow. I love my stories, even if they cause me or others pain. I am not yet willing to die, to bear my cross.

But I will remain with Christ, not because I am good, but because I am aware of Love’s reality.

He abides with me. He loves me, and Love will conquer all.

Love is ultimate reality.

Can I be at peace without demanding something from you?

Think like me.
Act like me.
Love me.
Believe like me.
Be me.

The mass hysteria we are experiencing in the world today is a hive mind deluded.
Perhaps we are confused about death. I need to be clear about death. I cannot demand anything from you. It is impossible for you to sort this mess out for me. When this happens, I stop requiring from you what only I can give myself.

Peace is a gift I give myself. When I am clear. When I am open. I alone can give myself peace when I believe that ALL THINGS work together for good. In this reality, enemies are gifts of peace.
It is impossible to forgive enemies when I am not clear about death.
Love suffers long. It keeps doing what it does. It conquers all. Over and over and over again- until I die.

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